To know about these four planets, we first need to know a little about these two things - a gas giant and an ice giant.

Gas giants are planets that have very low density and are composed mostly of hydrogen and helium gas. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune - These planets are called gas giants. Because these planets are made up mostly of gas, they are called by this name.

Ice giants are planets that are very cold from the Sun and are composed of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium, such as oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur. The planets Uranus and Neptune are called ice giants.

Jupiter and Saturn are just gas giants. On the other hand, Uranus and Neptune are both gas and ice giants.

Now we will know about these four planets.


1. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is so big that 1300 worlds could fit inside it.

2. Its distance from Earth is 58 million kilometers.

3. It is also the oldest planet in the solar system.

4. Even if the mass of all other planets in the solar system is added up, the mass of this planet will be 2.5 times greater. But its mass is 1/1000 (one thousandth) of the mass of the Sun.

5. Its gravity is very strong and the planet's magnetic field is also very strong.

6. After the Moon and Venus, Jupiter appears the brightest in the Earth's sky.

7. Jupiter is not visible through radar telescopes. This happens because it is made of gas. However, the planet's satellites are visible.

8. 1 day of this planet = 9 hours 56 minutes and 1 year = 4329 days.

9. The planet's atmosphere is about 75% hydrogen, 24% helium, and the remaining 1% other gases.

10. Jupiter is known to have about 80 natural satellites. The 4 largest of these are: Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. The largest moon of these is Ganymede. It is also the largest satellite in the solar system.

11. Jupiter has a red round spot on its surface. Which is called the 'Great Red Spot'. It is actually a cyclone that has been going on for the past 350 years. In addition to this spot, there are numerous red spots on Jupiter.


1. 2nd largest planet in the solar system. A total of 764 worlds can be easily penetrated from them.

2. Placed in the 6th house from the Sun.

3. It is 120 km from Earth. Its diameter is 9 times that of the Earth and its volume is 95 times greater.

4. It is the second largest gas giant after Jupiter.

5. Since it is a bright planet, it can only be seen through binoculars.

6. The planet has been visited so far (as of 2019) by 4 space missions – Pioneer-11, Voyager-1, Voyager-2 and the Cassini mission. Among them, the Cassini mission reached the closest orbit to Saturn.

7. Saturn's two moons are Enceledus and Titan (the planet's largest moon).

8. The planet is named after the Roman god of agriculture.

9. It is a particularly important planet in the solar system because it has a thick, wide ring. It is divided into 7 sections-A, B, C, D, F, G and E. The ring is made of small pieces of ice and stone.

10. This planet has no support on which to stand, because there is no solid matter.

11. Saturn with its rings is easily seen from Earth using a telescope.

12. The planet was discovered a long time ago because it was visible to the naked eye in the night sky. Saturn is mentioned in various idols of antiquity. The planet is mentioned in Roman, Babylonian, Greek and even Indian ancient history.

13. During the period of the invention and development of the telescope (1400-1800), Saturn was first seen in its true form.

14. The largest satellite of Saturn is Titan.

15. The planet's atmosphere consists of 96.3% molecular hydrogen, 3.25% helium, and the rest consists of ammonia, ethane, propane, phosphine, methane, etc.

16. Its density is 8 times less than the density of the Earth, which is less than the density of water. This means that if it is somehow placed on water, the planet will appear to be floating on water. (imagination)

17. Cyclones are constantly blowing on the planet.


1. Uranus is the third largest planet in size, fourth in mass and seventh in order.

2. The planet is named after the Greek god Uranus.

3. Uranus was the first planet discovered using a telescope.

4. Its distance from the Sun is 3 billion kilometers. So it takes two hours for light from the Sun to reach this planet. NASA has only sent one spacecraft to Uranus. This is Voyager-2.

5. Although visible to the naked eye, ancient observers did not think it was a planet because it is not very bright in the night sky.

6. The temperature of this planet is -353°F.

7. The planet is tilted on its axis by 97.77°.

8. Diamonds are raining on this planet.

9. It is composed mainly of molecular hydrogen and helium gas. There is also methane.

10. 1 day of this planet = 17 hours 14 minutes and 1 year = 84 years.

11. Cyclones in Uranus are more dangerous than those in Jupiter. Its speed is 824 kilometers per hour, on the other hand only 680 kilometers Jupiter!

12. Uranus has 13 rings and 27 moons. Titania is the largest moon of Uranus.


1. Neptune was discovered 50 years after the discovery of Uranus.

2. It is the 8th and last planet of the solar system. Its mass is 17 times that of Earth, and its gravity is 1.14 percent greater.

3. Light takes 249 minutes to reach this planet from the Sun.

4. The distance of the planet from the Sun is about 4.5 billion kilometers. This is why this planet is the coldest.

5. Neptune has a dark blue spot on its surface. Which is called the 'Great Dark Spot'. It's a big spinning storm.

6. This planet was discovered through musical divination.

7. 1 planet day = 16 hours 6 minutes and 1 year = 165 years.

8. Neptune also has rings, but they are fainter and lighter.

9. Its surface consists of water, methane, ammonia, etc. Meanwhile, a devastating storm broke out. The wind speed on the planet is so high that if this wind blows on Earth, it will uproot even a large tree.

10. The ancient Romans named planets after their gods. Neptune is named after the Roman god of the sea, Neptune, because it looks like the sea, hence its blue color.

11. Both Neptune and Uranus have carbon in their cores, so diamonds are scattered around.

12. Neptune's core is made of rock, iron, and ice.

13. Its atmosphere is 80% hydrogen, 19% helium and methane.

14. The planet has 14 satellites or moons. Triton is Neptune's largest moon. Triton has a cooler temperature than Neptune. Its temperature is -240° Celsius.

15. Neptune is also called the "blue planet".